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Breaking the Stonewall: How to Expose and Counter Deflective Responses from Authority Figures

power person Power players dodge accountability with practiced tactics like Stonewalling. Here's one way to counter their tricks and take back control.

The Flaw in Blanket Arguments: A Lawyer’s Case of Circular Reasoning

scales of justiceDiscover why flawed reasoning in justice arguments can lead to dangerous conclusions, and how we can guard against them in today's legal debates.

Silly arguments of social media - The magic disappearing $50 note.

money notesAn argument on social media disparages cashless transactions. It's a fallacy.

ABC exposé on Paralympian sport cheating points to a larger issue

wheelchair sportsAn Australian Broadcasting Commission report focuses on cheating in disabled sports. This points to some pitfalls in the application of humanism.

Scottish Parliament's Burning Issue - a Bill to Pardon Witches.

burning stakesThere's recognition of historical abuses and there's utter nonsense. The Scottish parliament was considering a bill to pardon witches.

Self-gluing climate activism vandals should take the advice of Ralph Waldo Emerson

old booksThe silly fools who glue themselves to roads and masterpiece artworks have missed a crucial point. Emerson had some great advice for them.

Is existence merely a pimple on the face of non-existence?

NASA space pictureThe great Julian Huxley once stated he believed we would someday solve the mystery of existence. However, that's not so certain.

The Double Talk of Salespeople: How to Spot Contradictory Sales Pitches

sales customerSalespeople often tailor their stories to fit your situation, but what happens when those stories clash? Learn how to spot these sales tactics and protect yourself from misleading pitches.

Comparing car smashes to Covid-19 is just silly!

car accidentLogic just isn't some people's strong point and Covid-19 brings out the worst. Here's a classic example of rubbish reasoning.

Nuclear Powered Logical Befuddlement

head scratchA rather stunning curly response was dropped in talks over the nuclear JCPoA recently. It's a head-scratcher.

Conspiratory Theorists Are The Biggest Conspirators

one-eyedWho exactly are the biggest conspirators on the planet today? Surely conspiracy theorists themselves are strong contenders.

Nothing humane happens in a slaughterhouse. Says who?

barbecueActivists say nothing humane happens in a slaughterhouse, but that claim is dodgy.

Read Smart: How to Navigate Today's News Without Being Misled

burning newspaperAre you being misled by sensational headlines? Learn the key strategy to uncover the full story in news articles and avoid falling for clickbait. Read smart, stay informed!

Dodgy Claims - 'It isn't that, it's this'.

Puffins debatingHere's some examples one of the most commonly used formats for dodgy arguments. Understand how this works and you can tear shreds off people - not that you ought to. 'It isn't that, it's this' is a rife ruse among humans.

Rubbish arguments of Covid-19

handwashYou can always bank on a crisis to generate bad reasoning. On that score, the Coronavirus pandemic didn't disappoint.

Emerson's deeper wisdom overlooked by humanity

light in a palmEmerson made a comment about homeopathy that contains hidden wisdom often overlooked.

No, Covid-19 is NOT nature's revenge on humans

woman in maskCovid-19 isn't nature's revenge on humans. That's just poetry.

Covid 19 is a demagogue's delight!

teddy bearCovid 19 has quickly become a playground for axe-grinders and barrow-pushers. When disaster strikes, out they come in force. Let's upset some apple-carts.

Toilet paper shortage - is this the real reason?

woman holding toilet paper Toilet paper, body and hand wash along with other surface cleaning items are no longer on shelves. Here is the likely reason why.

Project Greta will ultimately fail

ListeningGreta Thunberg is a figurehead being used by climate alarmists for a purpose that will ultimately fail.

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