category: dodgy-arguments

Silly arguments of social media - The magic disappearing $50 note.

Posted by: AG   on:  13/06/2023   Category: dodgy-arguments

money notesAn argument on social media disparages cashless transactions. It's a fallacy.

Scottish Parliament's Burning Issue - a Bill to Pardon Witches.

Posted by: AG   on:  11/12/2022   Category: dodgy-arguments

burning stakesThere's recognition of historical abuses and there's utter nonsense. The Scottish parliament was considering a bill to pardon witches.

Dodgy Claims - 'It isn't that, it's this'.

Posted by: AG   on:  29/09/2020   Category: dodgy-arguments

Puffins debatingHere's some examples one of the most commonly used formats for dodgy arguments. Understand how this works and you can tear shreds off people - not that you ought to. 'It isn't that, it's this' is a rife ruse among humans.

Nothing humane happens in a slaughterhouse. Says who?

Posted by: AG   on:  19/11/2020   Category: dodgy-arguments

barbecueActivists say nothing humane happens in a slaughterhouse, but that claim is dodgy.

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